Raw Food is too strict, like a Religion
It can't be further than the truth! Raw Food is NOT a religion & it should not be treated or cause people to behave in any of that direction. It is about a way of eating to sustain our best possible health as well as for the best of our Mother Earth. Nurturing & protecting Mother Earth is crucial for our survival because it is our natural habitat, and we are so connected to it that mankind will perish if Mother Earth gets destroyed.
There have been different views and theories in the Raw community, and there are also some groups with stronger opinions. I respect all of that, and I also respect that every individual has the right to choose his/her own pace. As long as the awareness is created, and we continue to make the information & skills available, we should allow everybody to progress at their own level. In fact, just adding more salads & vegetables will make that person's diet healthier for that day.
Personally, I choose to eat this way because I perform at my best on it! There are days when I eat steamed vegetables because I get really hungry outside. Its no big deal actually - just that I could have enjoyed my meal & gotten much more nutrients if I were to eat a raw salad. You can always make up for that by eating extra raw veges when available later.
There were a few occasions which I deliberately ate some meat, cooked roots, and even bread, just to see what difference it made to me. Well, it definitely did not knock me out, so don't worry! I just did not feel as good - when I ate meat I could feel the meat sitting inside my stomach taking hours to move, & the next day there was an obvious odour in my perspiration which shocked me! When I had the boiled roots it was just discomfort & grumpiness for a few hours after the meal, next day was ok. When I ate bread, I felt all sleepy and the next day, I wake with lesser energy & slight body stiffness. For all 3 occasions, I felt determined not to touch them again the next day. So, I would say that I choose to eat raw because I eat whatever that makes me feel good!
Myth No. 2
Raw Food is Medicine
It is food we are talking about, food we use to nourish our cells, repair our bodies & organs so that all's well under the roof. The real magic is not in the Raw Foods; it is in The Human Body. Our intelligent body system have the ability to heal & repair itself, IF you respect it & treat it properly. That includes a clean diet, clean water, adequate rest, adequate exercise, love & laughter! When you embark on Raw Foods, you are freeing your body of the years of abuse delivered from over-processed foods void of nutrients & enzymes, AND at the same time, supplying it with vitamins, minerals & enzymes! When treated kindly, the body automatically performs magic to heal & becomes at its best!
Myth No. 3
Raw Food is Boring/Unpalatable
What's that again? I always cannot understand this comment about being "boring". It is possible to create a new raw dish every single day of your life - if you choose to ;) You can almost achieve that just by combining 2 different fruits together every single day - and we are talking about nothing else besides fruits. Till today, I continue to be amazed at the creative power of human beings, how more raw chefs are springing up from all across the continents & joined the
movement, making available all the amazing new recipes!
Technically, it is not exactly raw like you take pluck a leaf and eat it straight. You process it in a blender to break it down so that our bodies can digest it, and also season with some quality ingredients like sea salt, miso, vinegar etc. There are also dehydrated foods like crackers & breads & cookies, where the food is heated to a max of 115 degrees F. These are especially great when you are travelling.
Myth No. 4
Raw Food is unsustainable
I am living proof that it CAN be done, even on the beautiful island of Singapore. Just because you are different from the rest does not mean you are not doing the right thing. I can write a whole course on eating this way sustainably for as long as you want to - there are so many ways & its such a fun, interesting & inspiring journey!
Myth No. 5
Raw Food is Impractical
Some people think that this lifestyle is expensive. Well guess what, in the long run, you actually save alot more. There are no gas bills to pay for cooking. Instead of blowing a regular fortune at the restaurants, you use the money to buy better quality foods from the supermarket; you save so much from just cutting out meat, dairy & processed stuffs - they cost more than fresh produce because you are actually paying the manufacturers, distributors, advertisers etc in between. If you buy fresh produce, you are only paying for the farmers' labour, transport and a small margin to the supermarket. You also save in terms of medical bills because your natural immunity system is higher and you are less prone to common illnesses. And oh yes, did I mention the energy already? You will have the energy to accomplish more than what you could before. Personally, I get more things done than most of my peers in a single day than they can in 2 days or more. Now what does that mean to you? Simple, more energy = more work done = better productivity = promotion & bonus = money.
That's all for today folks. There will be more related, value packed posts coming up on this subject, so stay with me!
Yours in The Best of Health!
(c) Copyright, 2008 Linda Loo